
Organizational Structure and Committees

The Session is responsible for setting policy for the church and for overseeing operations of the church. Session accomplishes its work through the work of committees and through monthly meetings of elected elders.  Session elders are elected by the congregation.

Session is made up of the following Committees:
– Worship & Music
– Outreach
– Church Life
– Disciple Making
– Church Operations & Personnel
– Stewardship & Property
– Finance

The SPC Organization also consists of the Board of Deacons and the Legal Structure.

Read more about each Committee below.


Southminster Session & Committee Assignments

Currently serving on Session:

Sarah Cannon – Worship & Music
Matt Groff – Church Life
TBA – Disciple Making
Jim Karras – Operations & Personnel
Amy Pearce – Worship
Rick Purcell – Stewardship & Property
Diana Roth – Outreach

Carol Bengston – Outreach
Bob Brown – Finance
Betsy Charles – Church Life
Bruce Leary – Stewardship & Property
Chris Porretta – Disciple Making
Michelle Zmijanac – Finance

Chris Edwards – Worship & Music
TBA – Operations & Personnel
Suzanne Gruneberg – Stewardship & Property
Steve Jones – Finance
Cheryl Polito – Outreach
Cecile Usner – Disciple Making
Marcie West – Church Life

Lea Smith – Clerk
Patty Sanders – Treasurer

Church Life Committee

Church Life Committee Purpose/Mission

Encourage and assist everyone to discover, use and develop their God given gifts and strengths for Christ’s work through Southminster Presbyterian Church. Foster involvement of everyone in church life, organizations and actions and cultivate a feeling of church family. Remove obstructions to participation and involvement. Develop lay leaders.

Matt Groff – Chair
TBA – Staff

Subcommittees Reporting to the Church Life Committee
1. Membership
2. Nurture & Fellowship

Church Operations & Personnel Committee

Church Operations & Personnel Committee Purpose/Mission
The oversight of all church operations including all church personnel and security for the church buildings and activities.

TBA – Chair
TBA – Staff

Disciple Making Committee

Disciple Making Committee Purpose/Mission
Encourage and equip all members of the Southminster faith community to deepen their faith in Christ, to grow in Him and to bring others to Christ. Recognizing that everyone is in a different stage of spiritual development, provide opportunities to study Scripture, to further members’ understanding relative to issues of Christian faith and life, and tend to members’ spiritual needs through a ministry of compassion.

Cecile Usner – Chair
TBA – Staff

Learn More About Education


Safe Church Committee

The Safe Church Committee is a sub-committee of the Disciple Making Committee under Session. The role of the Safe Church Committee is to support Southminster as a nurturing shelter and a safe spiritual, emotional, and physical fellowship for children and youth. This committee works proactively to ensure that our Safe Church Policy is adhered to by all staff, volunteers and members of the congregation.

Outreach Committee

Outreach Committee Purpose/Mission
To make Southminster aware of the constantly changing social needs of God’s world, and the call to spread the word of God and invite others into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Use this awareness to motivate and facilitate active participation in mission opportunities by Southminster members.

Cheryl Polito – Chair
TBA – Staff

Mission Opportunities

Stewardship & Property Committee

Stewardship & Property Committee Purpose/Mission
To make sure that all buildings and grounds of SPC are maintained in such a manner that the ministry and mission of SPC will be advanced.

To educate the SPC “family” to the joys/responsibilities of Christian Stewardship and to make sure that all monies received are accurately accounted for and distributed according to the ministry and mission goals of SPC. To ensure that committees and members of the congregation are kept informed about the finances of SPC.

Suzanne Gruneberg – Chair
TBA – Staff


Windy Ridge Committee

The Windy Ridge Committee is a subcommittee of Stewardship and Property Committee and reports thereto.  The purpose of the Windy Ridge Committee is to promote and foster the camping ministry of the Windy Ridge Retreat Center and to maintain this facility in God’s beautiful outdoors.

TBA – Staff

Click here to learn more about Windy Ridge.

Worship & Music Committee

The purpose of the Worship Committee is to provide high quality unique Celebrations of Worship that stimulate the desire of the congregation to communicate with God through Jesus Christ, to facilitate that communication, and to encourage those without church affiliation to make a commitment to Jesus Christ.

Sarah Cannon – Chair
TBA – Staff

Click here to learn more about worship at Southminster.

Finance Committee

Finance Committee Purpose/Mission

To oversee financial policies and practices of the church operations including establishing financial policies and procedures, approving financial transactions of the church consistent with the parameters established by the Session and developing and proposing to Session an annual budget.  The Finance Committee shall also ensure that Committees and members of the congregation are kept informed about the finances of the Church.

Bob Brown – Chair

TBA – Staff


Endowment Committee

Endowment is a subcommittee of Finance Committee and reports thereto. The Endowment Fund was established to provide support for the activities of the church through the gifts, donations and bequests of its members. The investments of the fund will be made for the exclusive benefit of the Church, its members and entities which the Endowment Fund Committee consider to be worthy of support.

Jim Martin – Chair
TBA – Staff

Southminster Deacons

Deacons Mission as set forth in the Book of Order

The ministry of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress. Persons of spiritual character, honest repute, exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love, sincere compassion, and sound judgment should be chosen for this ministry.

Beth Hosking and Chris Blackwook Co-Chairs
TBA – Staff

Click here to read more about the Deacon ministry.



Church Life Committee

Church Operations & Personnel Committee

Safe Church

Disciple Making Committee

Stewardship & Property Committee

Worship & Music Committee

Finance Committee

Windy Ridge Retreat Center