Mission Co-Workers

“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation…”
– Isaiah 52:7

Shelvis and Nancy Smith-Mather

Shelvis and Nancy Smith-Mather work with RECONCILE, Submit(Resource Centre for Civil Leadership), an indigenous ecumenical Christian organization, which was established in March 2004 by a national church council of the New Sudan Council of Churches. It promotes “peace building” by providing training in trauma recovery, conflict transformation, and civic education. Shelvis serves as the principal of the RECONCILE Peace Institute, which offers three-month courses in community-based trauma healing as well as peace studies and conflict transformation. Nancy is the Project Manager for the South Sudan education and peace building project, developing peace and advancing education in collaboration with the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan, Across, Yei Teacher Training College and RECONCILE International. Currently, the Smith-Mather family is serving in Arua, Uganda due to the unrest and insecurity of Yei, South Sudan. They are doing trauma work in refugee camps with the masses of South Sudanese who have fled the country because of war.