Children’s Ministry

Children and their families are a vital and important part of our community at Southminster. Worship is one of the few places in our culture where many generations naturally come together. At Southminster we strive to support opportunities for children, youth, and adults to worship and be in fellowship with one another as we grow together as followers of Christ in faith, trust, and love.

The words of Jesus, “Let the little children come to me,” are our guide as we seek to provide opportunities for our children to know and love our Lord. We also take great joy in supporting your efforts as parents/guardians as you walk with your children on your family’s faith journey.


We invite our young friends to join us in Sunday School on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. The nursery is available from 9 a.m. to noon for those age 4 and under. An usher can help you find the space if you need a hand!

Children are also welcome to take part in our children’s Bible studies, VBS and other opportunities through our vibrant Children’s Ministry.  To stay up to date on our Children’s Ministry programming, subscribe to our church Newsletter below and follow us on Social Media.